Sunday, June 21, 2020

How Divorce Affects the Romantic Relationships - Free Essay Example

The purpose of this study is to provide insight into how divorce affects the romantic relationships of the children within the household when they are older. Divorce rate is high and relationships come a dime a dozen nowadays and this study is going to find out if that is because of observation of past relationships with in the home. Because of these factors, the researcher hypothesized that children that come from divorce homes would actually be better spouses, especially if they have children because they wouldnt want their offspring to enduring the same pain. The methodology for this study will differ in the fact that it will be conducted as a single factor experiment between subject design allowing for more control of variables and the comparison of a control group to the experimental group. This design will allow for more insight on the effects divorce has on relationships from children within the household. The participants were 300 high school and college students from two separate communities. The participants were strictly comprised of 150 participants in each group, and each group of 150 volunteers were studied for 30 days. At the conclusion of the research, 300 different volunteers were selected from a different high school or college. In order to accurately represent both genders in the research, the total number of male and female participants were equal at all times. Then the 150 volunteers were selected by probability sampling where each person had a chance of being selected (Passer, 2014, p. 205). Out of the three methods of probability sampling, stratified random sampling was used to divide the sampling frame into groups and then members for each group (male or female) were selected by random sampling (Passer, 2014, p. 205). Simple random sampling was used to choose the male and female participants for the research. Because the participants are randomly chosen to varying conditions of the experiment, the type of between-subjects design that was used was Independent-Group Design (Passer, 2014, p. 241). There are several factors to take into account, age, gender, and whether the participants come from a two parent household or one. There was not a quota for the number of females or males that participate allowing the study to be more conclusive. The research had minimal risk to the participants in that there would be a bit of emotional distress. Once the sampling population were selected, each participant was required to sign an Informed Consent, after the form was thoroughly explained to each of them in a face to face interview with the researchers. In order to reduce risk, the study was completed. The dependent variable in this study would be affected relationships. Affected relationships were defined by the groups answer to tasks and questionnaire. Complete tasks and the behavior exhibited while completing those tasks whether the group was part of the control or experimental. To ensure anonymity, all participants names where replaced with corresponding numbers. As one of the limitation found within researching all points of the study would be issues with those that are in relationships having anonymity because of the personal questions regarding relationships, ensuring this particular limitation would be kept to a minimum The data compiled in this study was collected by different means. One of the means of collecting measurable data were surveys. A climate survey was conducted at the beginning and at the end of the each groups 30 day experiment. The climate survey at the beginning established a baseline of data for the study, such as gender and age. Two surveys was conducted, one at the beginning and one at the end of the study. The responses for the surveys will be measured using a 5-point Likert Scale ranging from 5 = most effected to 1 = least effected (Chein, 2013, p. 85). Observational Design research was also used to compile data. The researcher documented observed reactions during experiments were conducted on how the participants behaved when asked to either role play or demonstrate how they would react during certain real life situations within a relationship. The behavior was recorded in order to establish quantitative data. For this reason, the scale of measurement utilized was Nominal scal e. The behavior recorded was the percent of individuals from the experimental group that where singled out, the percent the express cohesiveness is an issue, and the percent that feels that the divorce was contributing factor to any relationship issues. The qualitative data that was collected was analyzed and compiled into quantitative data to show whether the hypothesis was confirmed or disconfirmed. Based on the data that was compiled, the hypothesis divorce affects the manner in which you behave within a relationship is supported. The research results were analyzed after the entire study was completed. Therefore, the results reflect the totality of the study not individual analysis. The Likert Scale utilized to measure the initial survey results showed out of 300 participants 20 percent were female and 80 percent were male. Five percent of the females and ten percent of the males did not have issues within their relationships in the past or current. The initial climate survey showed that 78 percent of those individuals were happy with their relationship and 15 percent were already experiencing issues within 90 days of their initial relationship. The results clearly indicate that divorce can affect how one behaves within their relationship. The experimental group had issues completing tasks based on societal norms on how to react within a relationship. This study proposed limitation in the regards to the number of subjects. The number of subjects does not accurately represent the number divorced and or non divorced children in the states. External validity was also a limitation. The research could not control what happened when the study was concluded for the day because participants were permitted to leave. Controlling conversations with each other was difficult because there was no way to know that this did not occur. These limitations were noted and a future study would greatly reduce these limitations. One way to combat the external validity is to improve the internal validity. A future study could implement that the control group and the experimental group be conducted by an observational study using a structural design. Professionals will benefit from this study because it provides insight to how divorce can affect you in the moment and for the future within a relationship. Knowing what baggage you bring to a relationship is important and an understanding of the effects this could have within an intimate setting is important. Creating emotional stability for our society and being better men and women will help build a stronger family setting for the future. This study has qualitative and quantitative data that was collected. The study implemented the 5 basic Ethical Principals guaranteeing all involved are treated fairly and respectfully.

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