Sunday, May 24, 2020

Teens Experience Dramatic Physical And Mental Changes

John Gabriel Navarro Andre Dominic Peralta English 27 D Some teenagers these days are influenced to smoke marijuana, smoke cigarette and drink liquors because of peer pressure. Background on Teens Teens experience dramatic physical and mental changes. In line with this, they are undergoing cognitive changes that allow them to think more deeply (Schulenburg, 2007) Causing them to have the sense of responsibility, independence and the authority from surprising features of the adolescent brain. The eagerness to learn or experience new things may result to a negative effect to teens. Teens become more focused on their friends. And as they seek greater independence, they often contradict with their parents (Schulenburg,†¦show more content†¦This outcome indicates that teens may find it more difficult to control impulsive or risky behaviors when they are around their friends or in situations that are emotionally charged. Teens on Smoking Cigarette One of the factors of peer pressure is the smoking of cigarette. Teenagers smoke cigarette because just like adults, they smoke to relieve stress. The nicotine they inhaled by cigarettes rapidly activates the reward and pleasures areas of the brain, creating positive feeling and pleasure. Tobacco use is a global epidemic among young people and with the adults. It brings serious health threat to youth and young adults in the world and has implications for the world’s economic health in the future. (Perry et al. 1994; Kessler 1995). Almost one in every four high school seniors is a current smoker. Most of the young smokers become adult smokers. One-half in every adult smokers die prematurely from tobacco-related diseases. (Fagerstrà ¶m 2002; Doll et al. 2004) Every child’s body is still growing, teens and youths are vulnerable to its deadly side effects. It can lead to impaired lung growth, chronic coughing, and wheezing. Even youths who doesn’t smoke very often can also benefit the adverse effect of smoking and which may lead to smoking addiction soon enough. There are three major reasons that young people smoke; to look mature, to be like their friends and to experiment. Since teens see olderShow MoreRelatedBiological And Physical Growth During Teenage Years1055 Words   |  5 PagesQuestion # 1: PHYSICAL: The beginning of biological and physical growth during teenage years is signified by the start of puberty which is called the physical transformation of a child into an adult. The physical changes which occur during this period is increase in height, weight, completion of skeleton growth and increase in skeleton mass, and change in body composition. The first sign of teenage years is the development of breast. Body sweats more, and hair and skin become more oily. 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